What is the fleet invoice / fleet tax statement?

The fleet invoice (Wallonia)/fleet tax statement (Brussels/Flanders) is an official document accepted by the Belgian tax authorities which gathers, per Region and per payment mean, all the toll driven by your fleet and due for payment. This document is the only official document you need to give to your accountant. In the Annex to the fleet invoice/fleet tax statement, you will find the details per vehicle-OBU combination, which includes the detailed trip statement per Region.

It is not an optional document. However, it is only available to customers who pay for toll on a post-paid scheme with a fuel card, via a Business Partner or by direct debit will receive the fleet invoice/fleet tax statement. If you want to receive a fleet invoice/fleet tax statement, please change to one of the following post-paid payment means: either Fuel card, Business Partner or Direct Debit. More information in our Manual "How can I change my payment means?".

Since the fleet invoice/fleet tax statement was introduced on 5 December 2016, no fleet invoice/fleet tax statement can be produced for any period preceding that date.

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